Adopt & Foster

The story of Pier swept the nation, the Lab set on Fire. Our sweet Pier was found on the street after having been doused in gasoline, set on fire, and severely burned a few days prior. Scout's Honor instantly picked him up to be safe forever. We rushed him to Texas A&M to get initial work done to see if he would be able to fight through this with us and he was! Once he got his appetite back, he even tried to eat a cell phone!
He has come a long way to be healthy and healed, but never ever lost his joyful spirit or his loving attitude. He is the best snuggle buddy, the happiest wiggle bottom, and the best bubba brother to Mousse! We are so incredibly grateful to have Pier as a part of our family and so appreciative of all the people who helped get him here! One year later and he is PERFECT! His mom even updates his Facebook page HERE